Wednesday 12 December 2012

Veg Biriyani

Here is the Veg Briyani Recipe I prepared for lunch. I have tried two times so far with the same pattern and it tastes good. You can also try and give me feedback on the outcome. 


Basmati (Briyani) rice  - 800 gms 

Onion (Vengayam) – 3
Peas (dried) – 100 gms..Should be soaked in the water one day before
Carrot – 4
Green beans – 100 gms
Potato – 1
Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
Coriander leaves - 1 pinch int leaves - 1 pinch

Refined oil - 4 tsp
Salt - 3 tsp

To Grind:

Ginger (Inji) – 50 gms

Garlic (Poondu) - 15 cloves
Green chillies – 10

Coconut - 1 moodi chopped

For seasoning :

Fennel - 1 tsp
bay leaves - 2
star aniseed - 1,
cinnamon stick - 2 inch
cardamom - 2
ghee - 5 tbsp
cashew nuts -10

Masala 1 :

Make a paste with Ginger,Garlic & Green chilies...

Masala 2 :

Make a paste with chopped coconut and take out  the coconut milk from the paste..


Wash and clean the briyani rice. Fry it in ghee for a while and keep it aside.

Clean the vegetables Green beans, carrot and potato and cut it into small pieces. Keep them separately.

Heat the cooker and add refines oil and ghee. Add Fennel, bay leaves, star aniseed, cinnamon stick, cardamom, cashew nuts.
Finely chop the onion. Keep them separately.
Add Masala 1 (peeled ginger and garlic to a fine paste) and fry it the raw smell goes. Add salt and turmeric powder and mix vegetables and soaked peas after filtering out the water.
Add Coriander leaves ,Mint leaves.

Add the coconut milk and water together.For 1 glass of briyani rice,we should add 1.5 glass.(As I have used 4 glass of rice,I  used 6 glass of water + 1 glass for vegetables quantity). Mix the fried ghee rice at the end and cover the lid of cooker and keep pressure on it.Once you get 1 whistle ( it will take 15-20 mins to get cooked ) ,switch it off and take a pressure after a while.(10 mins)

Veg Biriyani is ready!

Serving suggestion:

Serve with side dish Raitha and egg curry,chicken ,mutton gravy masala  or veg gravy masala.

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